Columbia Falls Yoga

Functional Strength Foundations
June 3, 2024 June 27, 2024

Total # of Classes

Class length
60 minutes

Gather Room

Introducing Functional Strength Foundations- a transformative workout experience designed for individuals of all ages, body types and fitness levels. Master proper lifting techniques that not only enhance your physical performance but also seamlessly integrate into your everyday life.

This class focuses on fundamental movements that are essential for building strength, improving mobility and preventing injury. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a solid fitness foundation or an experienced lifter seeking to refine your skills, this class is tailored to meet you where you are on your fitness journey. Sean will provide personalized guidance and modifications to accommodate individual needs, ensuring that everyone can progress at their own pace and experience success.

By the end of this class series you'll not only feel stronger and more confident in your abilities but also equipped with the knowledge and skills to move better in your daily life. Join us and unlock your full potential for strength, mobility, and vitality.

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