Columbia Falls Yoga

Baby & Me Yoga
with Ashley McCormick

July 12 (Wednesday)
at 12:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Gather Room

Baby & Me Yoga is ideal for babies aged six weeks to crawling and their parent(s). This class is not your typical quiet, meditative yoga class, though we will incorporate the gentle movements and mindful breathing that are integral to yoga which will help new moms boost abdominal strength, relieve the strain of nursing, and activate the pelvic floor muscles, all helping to aid in recovery from giving birth.

Get out of the house and join us in a non-stressful environment where you will meet and build community with other new parents. The value of connecting to this community should not be underestimated.

What to bring:
  • A receiving blanket for your baby to lie on.
  • Your diaper bag, fully stocked with a change of clothes, diapers, and feeding supplies for newborns.
  • If your child is old enough for solid food, a few dry snacks and a sippy cup of water may occupy them for a bit. Avoid things that are hard to clean up if they spill, like applesauce and juice.
  • A favorite toy that you can dangle in front of them.
  • Anything else small that keeps your child happy.


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